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October 18, 2004
An attempt at Nanofiction that's been in my head for awhile.
Palm of His Hand
She shivered a bit, under his constant stare. He was lying on the bed, watching, and grinning his grin. That ever-present grin pierced her. It grinned right through her exposed skin. She knew she was his, even as she undressed at the side of the bed. His grin showed he knew it, too. She wanted him to understand, as she slid under the covers. She tried her best to explain it to him, in every way she could. Every kiss, every caress, she poured her very soul into, just as she had all night during their date, all through the previous weeks. Trying to explain why she was here, why he meant so much. It hadn't gotten through before now, it was always that grin that answered her, but she knew, knew this step was the answer. He would understand, and things would be better.
The next day, at school, she passed him in the hallway. He was talking to another girl. She looked into his eyes.
All she saw was that grin.
Posted by poetfox at October 18, 2004 02:15 AM
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