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October 07, 2004
Again, I sorta doubt the poem is any good, but there you go.
Attention me
all night long
You sit and stare
At insides of you
(inside the little pretty box
inside the guarding fence
inside the inside of the inside)
And feel like killing someone
( I you he she it we you they)
Quite very
Anger is a little explosion in your soul
(with slow motion action movie effect
that makes it ultra cool, super powerful
and mega ultra super)
And it constantly grows
From your heart (sincere)
Eventually, the world will feel it,
Or you will feel it.
Attention me
like never before
You've felt lost and alone
In a crowd of friends
(that hustle and bustle
and blow your house down)
And that sucks.
You aren't
You aren't
You're just silent.
Posted by poetfox at October 7, 2004 12:24 AM
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