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October 09, 2004
A Saturday Miracle and Scary Fetishes.
So I tried to name off 5 disturbing furry fetishes in the car moments ago for no apparent reason (okay, there was an apparent reason... I was thinking about the fact that I'm fairly certian that there's a furry con in Philly, and that that would be a good excuse to visit Josh, who I talked to today (Miracle of miracles! Gods be praised!), and starting thinking about how to explain it all to him and stuff and one thing lead to another and yeah... see, it's not really worth my time to explain that reason, that's why I said there was no apparent one. Heh.), but I only got 4: Inflation, Vore, Micro/Macro, and Plushie-love. I considered using the fact that there are scores of herm furries in the furry porn biz, but I dunno, for some reason that doesn't feel fetishy so much as... wanting to have everything and screw everyone on the face of the earth-y. Heh. Not that I have anything against Herms, of course, they have a certian appeal to them, of course, definately. But eh, enough talking about scary furry stuff.
Josh called meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! It was good talking to him again. Heh. I always end up just sort of sitting there, listening, whilst he talks about this and that, but he's interesting to listen to, even when he's talking about nothing (and even if he thinks otherwise). It sounds like he's been doing fairly well since last we talked, heh.
My dad just commanded me to pick up all my crepe from off my floor... grrr... you win this round, father... you win this round... honestly, though, it does need to be done, it just doesn't bother me, especially the clutter on the tops of things, because gods, that's what the tops of things are for! For sitting stuff down on! That's why I have tables and dressers and stuff in here! Seriously!
Anywho, I suppose I should put on some groovy tunes and get going on that. Hopefully Jonathan won't be all full of whineyness and start slowly working on the other room, too... he can still play Everquest AND clean up, as long as he does both slowly and surely... then again, from what he's said, you don't really have "pulls" to do stuff in between like in FFXI... oh well...
Enough ranting! Go team!
Posted by poetfox at October 9, 2004 10:31 AM
..Alex.. you kill me o.o
You just do ^.^
Posted by: Togi at October 12, 2004 08:56 AM
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