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September 23, 2004
Yes, I'm really stupid and pointlessly angry! Whoo!
*kicks the stupid router* I DO EVERYTHING I'VE BEEN TOLD, BUT YOU STILL CAN'T JUST LET ME PLAY MAGIC, CAN YOU? Bitch. *kicks it again*
I've worked and worked at this mofo, and nothing has changed... I've got this list of ports that need to be opened, so I open them in every way I can think of... but nope, that doesn't work. Stupid fucking thing. I disable the firewall on this computer! Surely that'll work! Nah, not so much. Stupid bitch. *kickkickkick* I'm really frustrated at it right now... because I can't see any reason why it shouldn't work. For gods sake, it worked on here before! Seriously! With no problems! I played a single Prismatic game on here with no issues whatsoever! And now it's fucked up beyond repair! Grrr!
I don't think I want to be around people today... although I know that's a lie... but gods, I'm a stupid emotioal bitch right now, wouldn't want anyone else to have to feel that.
God damn, I just want my stupid cardgame. *kick*
Posted by poetfox at September 23, 2004 10:40 AM
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