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September 13, 2004
What the Shell...?
My new favorite website died during the day, and that saddens me. I wonder what happened? Hopefully Mama will get on it soon and kick the groin of whatever server is erroring very hard.
Hey, look at me not telling what website I'm referring to! For my eyes only, kiddies. ^_^ Adults only, valid only with proper ID. Heehee. (If a certian event occurs, I may stop being secretive.)
I found these sweet headphones downstairs for my compy. I'm not a master of audio quality, but they sound just fine to me. Only problem, of course, being that I'll have to use in-computer volume controls. I wonder if there's one on my keyboard... *checks...* There is. Nifty. ^_^ And it even works. Hardcore.
I am kinda confused as to how all of those buttons on my keyboad work without me having to set them up... ah, the miracles of modern modernness.
So I have entries to stay on the main page here for 14 days. This used to be perfect, cause I'd post like... 2 times a week. Now I'm posting almost every day. It's fucked up. Do I really have anything to say? I dunno. Like I said, it's fucked up.
I sorta don't want to eat or sleep anymore. That weird?
The new TMNT is decent, certianly better than the original cause even though I loved it, it was cheesy as hell, looking back. This one has plot. Fairly cliched stupid plot, but hey, it's probably perfect for its audience. This was a random review by me.
Posted by poetfox at September 13, 2004 05:20 PM
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