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September 29, 2004
METAGAME! Hardcore metagame. ^_^
Some people would think it sad that I worry about my fake metagame for my fake magic set and all the fake tourney players who are going to fake play with it. I say if I'm going to make a Magic set, I might as well do it right. Heh. ^_^ So when I do get around to making the Midgame Mulligan card, it will be balanced. Powerful, certianly, but balanced.
I want to sealed deck Kamigawa it up a bit. I dled Apprentice on here cause I thought I might play one of the peoples I was chatting with on the secret website I never name (Although there's a link to it on this site somewhere, if you want to play "find the secret...") and I just made the game give me a sealed pack and I was deckbuilding and seeing where I was going... I ended up with a RU build with a splash of B. Red I had two good legends in, Ben-Ben and Goda, as well as Goda's maul for Goda to search out, and I had great answers in blue, as well as a little draw power in Reach into Mists and Counsel of the Soratami. Oh, and let's not forget Kiega the Tide Star. I splashed black for more answers, including the wonderful Cranial Supression of whatever it's called, and the black shrine. Anyway, I dunno how good the deck would have been (Apprentice is kinda icky when it comes to deckbuilding in a format you're still getting used to) but it really makes me itchy for the draft this weekend... I should really call Danny again and see what's up with him... And maybe I can seduce Spaeth into playing a little Apprentice sealed with me sometime this week. Heh.
And, um, that's it. I'm done. No more to read here.
Posted by poetfox at September 29, 2004 11:32 AM
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