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September 10, 2004


Seriously, what's with you people and reading my blog anyway?
I recieved compliments on my silly fake cards from person who I only sorta know (Angie... who I probably know more than sorta know... you know? I dunno.) and it's wierd. Just because it's a public website doesn't mean people are supposed to know about it and look at it! Geez. ^_^
I can't grasp why people would want to read about my stupid life.
That being said, wheeeeeeeeeeee! It's fun feeling like you belong. It's unfortunate I refuse to share my reasoning as to why I feel happy right now, at 1 in the morning, but I do, and that's the cool part. *twirls*
Night! I'll probably make a page to put all those Magic cards on tommorow. It'll be a crappily made piece of HTML, but it'll keep them all in one place instead of spread out over several entries. We're making a whole set, eventually! There'll be tons!
Afterthought: Creature type Wall no longer means anything. All walls now have a keyworded ability called Defender that says they can't attack, and Rolling Stones now reads "All Walls lose Defender." Which means I need to reword the one or two fake walls I made so they work with this new rule. Also, there are no walls in Champions of Kamigawa. This is sad.
Later Clarification and Such...
Mmkay, finally made my bad webpage, it's right here, so give it a look if you want to see the cards. There are a couple modifications and a new card, Brian, Master of Candyland, if you care to look at such things. I'll probably finally make the bad window up there once this isn't the top post and I get off my ass... mew... but yeah, enjoy.

Posted by poetfox at September 10, 2004 01:09 AM


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