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September 01, 2004

Just a-waitin' for the little busters, awww yeah... yeah yeah yeah...

Finally got a virus thingy up on my computer... already 9 viruses. Ye gods. Then again, it was my fault because I went looking for a Warcraft III expansion code because I couldn't find mine. Don't kill me, Blizzard, I paid for your game, I just couldn't find the damn case! So sue me!
Star Ocean came out today. I suck at it, as expected, but hot damn, it's going to be some good gaming. I hope I can keep up with it.
Layne once again suggested I talk to my parents and get some professional help after my last episode, which I sorta talked about kinda last entry. I really should, but I really don't want to tell them either. It's not like I look broken, how fucked up would it be for me to just walk up and say "Hi, parents. I think I need to start seeing a therapist." But I should, though... or tell them all out. But telling them all out is even harder. *sighs* I'm such a fucked up little person.
Champions of Kamigawa is always giving forth some really fucking cool cards. Time Stop is so simple, it's fucking genius. Seriously. I just hope I have enough money for all the prerelease fun.
Jonathan is installing Everquest as we speak. No, I don't understand it, because yes, I did just buy one of the greatest console RPGs of the year. Who knows.
All in all, The Pillow r0x0rz. The end.
P.S. I completely agree... chaa...

Posted by poetfox at September 1, 2004 06:44 PM


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