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September 08, 2004
I've been playing around with silly programs again...
Check out these stylin' cards from the set of magic cards that hopefully will be start to be gettin' made. Huzzah. These are just mine, everyone has a color and I have White (duh.) I made Droid and Layne, though, because they're artifacts and I could. Jonathan explained his card to me and I made it. It's very... him. Shows what he values. Anyway, have a look, I'll post more as more start getting told to me and created.
Update: I keep updating this list as I find decent pictures! If you want to recommend cards to modifications to cards to make them less broken or weak let me know.
Andrew the Android
Layne, Sorority Sister
Jonathan, Wizard Adept
Sexual Healing
Alexis Long, Copycat
Vixen Sharp-ears
Ninja Outfit
Spaeth, God of Gravity
Gigas of Uberdeath
Matthew Long, Defense Mage
Perfect Caricature
Sakura Costume
Minor Obstruction
Bawls (TM)
Matt Buchhiet, Vague Master
Posted by poetfox at September 8, 2004 03:53 PM
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