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September 06, 2004

I'm Stupidly Lonely... everything's fine...

Why can't I write anymore? I had a good idea for an essay and I started and then it died very quickly. When did I lose the ability to write?
Maybe it just died because I was wanting to write for lack of anyone to talk to... *sighs* For someone with so many wonderful friends I really can be lonely sometimes. I'm really clingy when I have a semi-ish deep thought process. Like the one my essay was going to be about. About how I feel connected to alot of different groups but I'm not really a part of any of them. Something like that. It's gone from my head now. I think I've lost my ability to concentrate as well.
Three entries today as well. Goodness.

Posted by poetfox at September 6, 2004 10:54 PM


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