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September 28, 2004
I can so wardrive with the GBA wirelessthing now!
I feel like shit... maybe I won't go to class today... maybe I'll just shoot myself in the head, that'll work better... or go to bed... bed is good... *sighs*
So yesterday, I got back one of my rebates for all my wireless equippment... unforunately for my bank account, it was in the form of a Best Buy giftcard, which I, of course, had to immediately go out and spend, meaning I'm now the proud owner of Pokemon Leaf Green and a GBA wireless adapter. It's all nostalgic playin' through the remade old school Pokemon. I just hope that the whole eggy thing works in here, cause I still want to breed an army of Eevee if I can. Also, I think, for the first time in Pokemon history, I actually got the version with Vulpix actually in it, so I won't have to trade for one. Hot damn. Go foxies! In any case, once I get to work I'm going to take down Brock, and then... well... something, anyway. I'm going to keep playing. Whee?
I'm still playing Shadow Hearts: Covenant as well, which I don't know if I actually wrote about much, but Blanca is still the most awesome character ever. He doesn't deal as much damage as Yuri, but he's got more soul, man! Yeah! *hugs Blanca* It's interesting that the game is feeling like it's wrapping itself up slowly but surely and I'm not on the second disk... like... there doesn't seem to be many plot points that are dangling... I'm interested to see where the game goes... hopefully I'll keep focused on it for long enough...
Kamigawa is a-comin' out Friday! The box should be in, we hope and the draft should, we hope, happen on Saturday. Maybe I'll puill another Autumn-Tail, even though from a "wanting to win the draft" perspective that would be kinda bad! But oh well! Damn, I can't wait... this new set is quite awesome.
There is also brewing a potential relationship for me... like relationship relationship... and I really don't know what to think about it, yet... but it's all... hmm... we'll see what happens, I suppose...
Anyway, to summarize, I got good games I'm playing, Magic set coming out, I feel like shit and might skip class to sleep it off, and I'm trying to figure out what might turn into a relationship for me. That's the update of me. Go team.
Posted by poetfox at September 28, 2004 10:55 AM
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