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September 19, 2004
*hugs the new Kitsune*
It's really kinda sad that I'm so pumped about magic cards just because they're foxes on the pictures. But I am. Holy crap, I am.
Got back from the Pre-release. It was fun. We barely missed prize range yet again. Essner kicked butt, I didn't kick as much butt as I had hoped.
But Autumn-Tail, Kitsune Sage. Holy shite. ^_^
Technically, she (I'm calling her a girl because I like her, so like... deal with it.) starts as Kitsune Mystic. Costs 4, a Fox Wizard, a 2/3, and if she's enchanted by 2 or more enchantments, you flip her... TO AUTUMN-TAIL! ^_^ Autumn-Tail is a 4/5 Legend with the most awesome ability... 1:Move target enchantment enchanting a creature to another creature.
I LOVE IT SO DAMN MUCH! *hugs the card more*
I'm seeing a return to my creature enchantment deck with a more Autumn-Tail flavor. And I'll do it up right, too. Sterilng Groves, if they're cost-efficent... Verduran and Yavimaya Enchantresses... (Just checked Sterling Grove... 2.50... a bit pricey, but it's an extremely solid card, so I shouldn't complain. Yavamaya is .75, Verduran about 1.50... I doubt Autumn-Tail will sell for much, it's not very tourney-worthy, so hopefully she won't break my budget... yeah, I could make this deck...) And all my favorite creature enchantments! Look for it, it'll come!
Anyway... gods, I love foxes... especially when they're a useful part of my favorite card game...
Posted by poetfox at September 19, 2004 08:07 PM
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