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September 20, 2004
Here's a possible build of that one deck...
Enchantresses Unite!
4x Tranquil Garden
2x Elfhame Palace
2x Krosan Verge
6x Plains
8x Forest
Total - 22
3x Kitsune Mystic/Autumn-tail, Kitsune Sage
4x Verduran Enchantress
4x Yavimaya Enchantress
3x Eternal Witness
3x Woodland Druid
Total - 17
Other Spells:
4x Sterling Grove
1x Aura Shards
3x Armadillo Cloak
2x Serra's Embrace
3x Indomitable Will
2x Hero's Resolve
4x Ancestral Mask
2x Whip Silk
Total - 21
Posted by poetfox at September 20, 2004 07:51 PM
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