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September 22, 2004


DS has an offical release date! Hot damn! Time for me to start getting excited about it, cause come the end of November, I'll have the fucked up little touch screen machine in my little paws. Also, in other insanely happy news, Pictochat comes built-in to the system, and if you have the system in sleepmode halfoff, will automatically boot up if it senses another DS in the area and open a chat with it. That's pretty hardcore. ^_^ Apparently a demo of Metroid Prime: Hunters will ship with it as well, with single and multiplayer scenarios built-in for your demoing enjoyment. Nice to know that everyone with a DS will have a copy of this quasi FPS for multiplayer gaming.
Droid seems really quite excited about the DS since I told him about Pictochat, which kinda intrigues me. He's not much of a gamer, although he certianly appreciates games en general, but portables are really shaping up to be little kids toys or the hardcore gamer's best friend when you need that fix on the go. I think he really wants the DS to have online functions. The DS very well could, it has the capability, but I don't think it will, personally. Nintendo has really shown where it sits on online gaming. I'm pretty sure the wifiness of the DS will only be used for multiplayer between systems. We can hope that a third party internet browser will be released at some point if Nintendo doesn't do it for us all, but we'll see. In any case, I'm just wary of Droid shelling out the $150 for something he won't use very often. The PSP will be more expensive, of course, but I'm almost positive that it will be loaded with 'net gaming, as well as a browser and e-mail functions. The only problem with that being, of course, that it'll be a lot more annoying to use them on the PSP. The DS's stylus action would be so fucking perfect for that kinda stuff. A touch-screen keyboard is no real keyboard, but is certianly more intuitive than having to move around a mouse with an analog stick, and just normal touch-screen mouse movement would turn the DS into a gamer's Palm Pilot if it had the internet browsing... Nintendo, come on... your system could really use this! Put it out a semi-capable internet browser and e-mail client in a budget-level cart and make everyone who's backing you happy! You've got a killer system, you really do (and personally, I think the fact that Droid is interested in it means you have something that could pull in some non-gamers like the PSP is trying for, if you worked at it), but it could still use that umph, you know? Plus, if it was a first party brower, you could have it work with Pictochat so that people could message you with it while you're on the 'net, and you could alttab or whatever out of your brower and talk to them. Gods, that would be cool!
I like the fact that I was talking like Nintendo excecutives actually come and read my blog. That's kinda funny. Anyway, I've ranted now. Hopefully the DS will ship with some killer titles, because I know of a couple titles for the PSP I'm insanely pumped about (Metal Gear Ac!d is causing a lot of waves for being a weird card-basted RTS type endeavor, but to me, that concept really rocks my face! Also, Minna no Golf (which will hopefully have internet play) is something I will definately have to have!) and I can't stay I've heard of too insanely much I must have for the PSP... I'm sure Mario Kart will be killer, especially if they do the multiplayer right, and Metroid Prime: Hunters will of course be a must have... Animal Crossing DS would rock if I end up with people to play with... heh... and I know Square is working on some stuff... and this messed up "I Would Die For You" game coming from the makers of Rez seems so damn quirky and filled with style that if it makes it to America, I'd have to have it.
Anyway, I'm a hardcore portable gamer, and there are my thoughts about the new systems coming out. I'm still annoyed that I have no gameboy games to play worth shite right now, though.

Posted by poetfox at September 22, 2004 11:42 AM


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