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September 06, 2004

Afterglow... ... ...!?!?!

Whee. Last night was interesting.
I've been seriously playing Star Ocean ALL FUCKING DAY! It's wonderfully addicting, which is good for an RPG. The battle system rocks my face. ^_^ It's where it's at. It's not some revolution of the RPG genre or insanely spectacular or anything, but I'm sure as hell happy to have it in my hands. If only I had had enough money for the guide when I bought it, then I'd be set! Oh well, it's fun to patent the failed item creations I made, and see them in stores where nobody will buy them at a price of like 2 Fol. Heehee. ^_^
I'm kinda worried that I'm going to lose Nel out of my party if I don't do something. She's not your normal healerbitch and I really like her. Also, she learned this move called Ice Daggers that uber as long as I'm not facing an ice elemental creature. Which happens, but I have backup plans for that. But except for the exceptions, my battles are like "ICE DAGGERS! ICE DAGGERS! ICE DAGGERS! HEALING! ICE DAGGERS!" ^_^
I have my Windows Media Player set so that it like... becomes a mini-playerthing in my taskbar when I minimize it, which is hella cool. I've also found the coolest visualizer I've ever seen. It's called something kinda silly like "Critter Rock," but it's really this weird awesome rainbowy dancy thing. I love it!
I feel like there's more I should write, I really do, but hell if I know what it is. I write so much just stupid little shit about what I'm doing here and thoughts on games and stuff, it's really all... weird to know that people actually read it. It's a thought dump. It's where I dump my thoughts. And they're really rarely deep. I don't think deeply because when I start thinking deep, somehow I always lead myself into dark territory, a territory of stuff that I probably shouldn't be thinking about because I'll get depressed. Things too close to home on some topics.
So what you get is this. Silly gamerfurrytransloser stuff. Just like my life.
I guess it's doing what it should after all, hm? *shrugs*
Edit: Hey, look up in your address bar... ^_^ There should be a flower up there! Go stupid internet tricks!

Posted by poetfox at September 6, 2004 08:40 PM


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