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September 07, 2004

A truly great Mad Lib Experience: A Transcription

This is a Mad Lib Essner, Bucchiet, and I made. Mostly Essner.
With today's automatic cameras and their built-in crotches and their zoom pornographies, even a rank amateur can take a nude picture. Here are a few tips from Matt Buchhiet's Penis, one of the world's great pornography stars.
1. Never load genre into the camera in direct shirtless people.
2. Make sure you remove the lens condom before you fuck the picture.
3. Be careful not to put your Matt Buchhiet's Labia in front of the lens.
4. For portraits, have your subject fluffed and say hot dog.
In no time at all, you should be a sexy photographer, and then you can earn big bucks screwing landscapes, weddings, and even beautiful young ladies.

Posted by poetfox at September 7, 2004 06:02 PM


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