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August 26, 2004
Konnichiwa, BITCHES!
Japanese is cool.
So my comptuer came in today. But due to some weird shite, I don't have a heatsink for the processor. Droid said he'd order me one earlier today, but, um, not that I don't trust him or anything, but I might have logged into his Newegg account and he doesn't seem to have ordered me one... who knows.
Also, MY CASE IS DENTED. The case wobbles and is dented on the back hardcore-style, so that the little door doesn't look like it'll fit on there properly... *sighs* I guess I should have figured that this kinda stuff would happen. I don't really want to send my case back, but god damn, that's annoying. I should get some sorta monetary kickback for getting damaged goods.
Anyway... I hope everything gets going alright... *sighs*
Posted by poetfox at August 26, 2004 06:57 PM
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