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August 23, 2004

I'm queen of it all, the bell of the ball, I swear that it's always been like this...

I gots me car back. Huzzah! Now I just need to find a keychain... *sighs*
School started today. Ho hum. Whatever. I still need to get my books... and replace my ID... bah, fuck it all, I don't want to do it. *hides*
Apparently, Josh hadn't graduated like I previously thought, and is hardcore into this final semesterquarterwhateveritis he has to do. So I won't bother him anymore. Heh.
So I walked into Toys R Us today, looking for a keychain that would fit me, when I see a demo machine for Donkey Konga. I played that mofo for like... half an hour, feeling like an idiot jammin' out and clapping in the middle of the store. It got me so jazzed! I can't wait for it to come out now, especially since I think it's going to be a budget release! The Kongas are really well made, too. I was kinda worried, but they're fun to use and they don't hurt your hands or anything when you slap the hell out of them. Seriously, it's gonna be hella fun. ^_^
I had something else to write about, but hell, I dunno what it was. Oh yeah, I've been trying Ragnarok, a decision I apparently made at the same time as Piro on Megatokyo. It's really... simple... right now. But I'm giving it time to get me into healer Acolyte class before I dismiss it as boring. But I am pretty sure it's just kinda boring. *blinks* There's nobody to talk to!!!! I want to talk to people when I play an MMORPG! I thought with the more cult following of Ragnarok I might get that, but I guess not...
Anyway, that's it. Go away now.

Posted by poetfox at August 23, 2004 03:51 PM


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