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August 12, 2004

I can't hide from my mind...

I wonder how I can get a comments link on the mainthing... apparently you can comment if you go into an entry from the archives, though. If you ever care. Which you probably don't. But oh well, so it goes. ^_^
If I knew anything about how this stupid blog actually works, I'd change the archive pages to be more not ugly brown and orange. Not that I don't like Brown and Orange, as I originally think they were chosen due to their foxy nature (Start probably partially disturbing furry discussion: I'm a fox, right? But I feel drawn to bunnies and I make cats sounds all the time... I decided I'm half red fox, quarter cat and quarter bunny at some point... which makes me wonder how I'd look. Would my tail be extra cotton-y? Would I have a shorter snoutlikepart due to my kitty and bunny heritage? And just who out of my mom dad and such are the bunnies and foxies? Furry culture is really stupid. Then again so am I. End Possibly Disturbing Furry Discussion), but I'm much too gay and such for that now. It really clashes with the main page. But I suppose I should be happy it works. I tried fiddling with it and it all blew up at me so I changed it back. Mew.
I think I might have had some actual things to talk about... *thinkity...* Maybe not. I get to order a computer in about a week and a half. Yay. And, um... Kamigawa prerelease is going to be coming soon, I gots to recoup money for that experience. ^_^ When Kamigawa comes out, it'll be the first standard enviroment I've ever been in where I'll actually know all the cards and metagames and such. I mean, I sorta know standard now, but I don't really know everything available in Onslaught Block. I sorta do, but not really. Especially not in Legions. But I know Mirrodin really well. It'll be interesting to see how it interacts with this upcoming block... I can't wait to see the themes. I had a random thought that this set should see the return of Cummulative Upkeep, but the chances of that happening are slim. Heh. They could mix it up, though! Cummulative Upkeep: Give yourself 1 Poison Counter.
Heh, gots to go! Foodtime!

Posted by poetfox at August 12, 2004 07:21 PM


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