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August 18, 2004

Cause they call me... Johnny Combo Ass...

It's a new song for Pi that's slowly evolving... seriously... mew...
So, um, people don't release games during the summer. Idiot bastards. The only good game that came out this summer is Mario Golf: Advance Tour which, granted, is one hell of a game release. But I need more gaming than that. I'm in a gaming wasteland. It's all going to be fixed come the start of September, of course, with Star Ocean: Till the End of TIme leading the way on August 31, followed by Sims 2, Silent Hill 4, Fable, and such later on. No "must have" Gameboy titles until November, though, with Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. This new Astro Boy: Omega Factor is getting some sweet reviews, though... I'm not much of an action type person, but I might check it out, nonetheless.
I really don't know what I was going to write about. My stomach has been hurting lately. I need sleep. Um... chickens.

Posted by poetfox at August 18, 2004 09:45 AM


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