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August 20, 2004
I put moneys in the banks and it goes MONEY! But I can't buy my computer until tuesday. Stupid banking system. But oh well. ^_^ Tuesday it is, then. Also, the bank has been charging me for using the bank when they shouldn't have been, so I get 60 bucks back that have been incorrectly stolen from me. Huzzah. That's enough to purchase a little something called Star Ocean: Till the End of Time.
I also FIGURED OUT HOW TO UPLOAD!!!! Did you notice? It's not like I uploaded much. Just the linkything in the corner. Toya and Yukito are so damn cute together. ^_^ Perhaps weird little bloggy subpages will start to appear. Perhaps. Depends on how bored I am, really. But at least I have a file dump for stupid stuff like my piccy in my Button Men profile.
The stupid car repair place lost my keys and now I've lost my change purse... *sighs* So I gotta find a new keychain and a new change purse that I like... This one isn't all that bad, but I just loved the layout of my old Cinniamoroll one. Also, who knows if I'll be able to find a keychain that combines the smallness, cuteness, and obscureness of my Eevee one. And the ability to play with my keys by spinning them around and around. That too. *sighs* Replacing things sux0rz.
It's also the start of another weekend. Shall Josh actually call me? Only time will tell.
Posted by poetfox at August 20, 2004 05:23 PM
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