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July 18, 2004

And who the hell is he? I can't believe this is happening...

So... fucking... tired...
Play Lock-in was last night... I never get any sleep, staying up all night was not really a good plan on my part... chaa... it was fairly enjoyable, though... I gotta get more plannin' done with the Makeup crew... I don't like planning things... *sighs*
I'm level 42 Fighter/Organist now.
Natalie finally convinced me to get on her FFXI server and play with her... she hasn't sent me my world pass yet, I was going to start the character a bit now before Jonathan woke up... oh well, I suppose I'll just take a shower and get cleaned up instead... mew...
Too many cans... this room needs to be cleaned... *sighs*
I did end up fiddling with my Prismatic deck a bit... hopefully it's better for it... maybe... I dunno... tired... mew...
I have three Mind Bends and a Spectral Shift online... I should gank a playset full of both and make a Mind Bend deck... it should be cheap to gank, those cards... then I just need good targets... mew... and white probably has good targets... Bluewhite color-changin' beatdown. Whee. Or maybe I'd do green... green walks sometimes... I dunno, I'd figure it out...
But yeah... tired... need shower.

Posted by poetfox at July 18, 2004 12:39 PM


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