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June 26, 2004
WORDS OF WEIRDING! (And my Big Package...s.)
So, tommorow (technically today) it's vacation time. I can't say I'm too enthused about it, but eh, hopefully I'll get some fucking sleep... I'm so fucking tired...
Talked to Josh today, and he got out of his surgery a-okay, besides still being in pain and apparently draining icky stuff into bags? But I'm glad it went well. There will be soreness and annoyance, but then it's all goodness from there, and I couldn't be happier for him! In other news, he found a old high school friend who's living in Missouri! Bad news, she lives in like... this place outside of Kansas City, so that's like 5 or so hours away from me. *sighs* But eh, it's not like I got to go shopping in KC last time I was there (the planning, it did s|_|x0rz), and if he were there and I could crash somewhere, I'd totally drive to meet him. Heh.
I've got two packages coming whilst I will be away. One is my cards for this wonderfully frustrating Zur's Wierding deck I concieved. Perfect draw, I should be able to lock the other player from ever drawing cards again turn 3. (Turn one, land, turn two land, Sunscape Familiar, turn three land, the Weirding, turn four land, Words of Worship or Convalescent Care) Bastardish, yes, but I'm a really mean Johnny, and goodness, I like Zur's Wierding and it needed to be in a deck, it really did!
The other package is the gayest GBA ever concieved by mankind. It was about time I upgraded to the SP, as much as I play my Gameboy, and gods, it's so fucking pink it rocks my face. ^_^ I am filled with glee at the thought of whipping that mofo out in a public place. It just screams "hardcore gamer." ^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^ Gods, it's so awesome... and sad... but awesome.
But yeah, there's going to be this cruise thing and I'm going to sail aboot the ocean and shite. It doesn't thrill me. The mention of New York my father had before booking this cruise would have made me happier, but I know the rest of my family will enjoy this more, which is why I never complained about it and am happy to go. It's just getting not my thing. I like kiddy things and shopping things and theatre things and things with lots of ability to roam around at random. That's my kind of vacation. Mew. But eh, surely I'll have a good time.
In any case, that's my pre-vacation blog update. I will now sleep. I've been so fucking tired today... gods.
Love yah!
Posted by poetfox at June 26, 2004 01:02 AM
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