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June 23, 2004
IT'S FINALLY OUT! MARIO GOLF ADVANCED TOUR! *spins around crazyhappylike until the dizzyness sets in and then it's sitdown time*
It's everything I could have dreamed it would be. ALL of the modes from the GC one are in the game, ALL of them! And 4 player multiplayer on one system! Customizable taunts for your character! Discoteques! Okay, I lied about the disco part, but hot damn, it's pretty awesome. And apparently, all the special clubs I get in the Gameboy game I can use for ALL of the characters on the Gamecube one! w00t!
In other gaming news, Jonathan finally bought Samaruai Warriors. I've adopted this silly stupid girlperson (Ochiri is the name? Something like that) who attacks with one of those games where you try to catch the ball on the string in the cup? Yeah, that's her weapon. Anyway, once I beat her campaign, I unlocked a second costume for her, which is, get this, a fox fursuit. I was laughing my ass off in stupid happiness when I saw it! In any case, I am very happy with that game too, although I can only take so much button mashing bliss before I get pissed at the game.
And I get to bother Joshperson about his surgery tommorow. I'm so happy for him, I hope it all went off well and such. I suppose I'll find out tommorow.
Um, I've also ordered an Onslaught box that Essner and I are splitting in a weird way. We're both opening half of a half of the box, and then we're going to have a six player draft with the other half. *shrugs* Hope I get some good stuff, like fetchlands and other such happiness. WEATHERED WAYFARER!!!! I want some.
I'm sharing the beauty of "For Those of Ya'll Who Wear Fanny Packs" with Rebecca. Huzzah.
Um, doom?
Posted by poetfox at June 23, 2004 07:08 PM
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