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June 12, 2004

"I have heard a boy is a girl. This isn't right anywhere in the world."

So the great Harry Potter Fan Fic Contest is On!!!!!
Contestants: Matt Essner
Justin Spaeth
Matt Buchhiet (Has not read the Harry Potter Novels)
Andrew Welker (Shameless Plug)
Layne Strattman (Thinks she isn't going to join in, but is)
and of course, myself.
Offical Judges (Who may or may not realize they will be judging): Ian and Chelsea Spaeth

The deadline is Monday, and the minimum is a mere 250 words for an entry. I will be writing two fics. One is tentatively titled "The Harry Potter Shameless Yaoi Lovin' Fanfic" and the other is a more serious (or as serious as I can be when writing fan fiction) entry. I honestly should be working on them now, but I'm in a weird and not really all that creative mood. It will come to me later, though. Oh yes.
I believe Droid might be making some sort of page off his blog where these fanfics will ultimately reside. If he doesn't, I would IF I KNEW HOW TO UPLOAD THINGS! *falls over* I am so clueless.

I also realized I have nobody's e-mail addy in my address book. Unfortunate. Damn you, offical version of Outlook!

So Natalie and I talked last night. The amount of anger was down, which was a plus, and I think she actually might understand things a bit better now, which is a definate good thing. I can't say I have any idea what will happen now, though... mew... who knows...

My Spellbomb deck pulls lots of hate, but it's very effective. I really do have to get out to Plainswalkers and try it on other people with actual decks and see what happens. It'll probably lose, but I won't know till I try.

The question came up today about what card I would make if I won the Magic Invitational (NEVER. GOING. TO. HAPPEN.). I couldn't think of a good card on the spot, much less a good silly card like people were creating. But how about this for an actual card?
Stally Wall
1oW, 0/4, Creature - Wall
3oW: Prevent two damage to target creature or player.

It would never see play, of course. It's almost like "Wallight Invoker." Heh. ^_^ It might actually be able to be made a bit more useful... change it's cost to 2oW and it's ability to 1oW and only one damage prevented, perhaps. I wouldn't know, it would have to be playtested and such, and honestly, I'd want it to be a common. That's a common card. But that be my kinda card. Huzzah!

But yeah, blog? Oh, there was two Penny Arcades I wanted to link to. That one, and that one. And I made a new link in the links of love section, so check out awesome, or something similar. I'm done typing now. Mew.

Posted by poetfox at June 12, 2004 02:00 AM


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