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May 09, 2004
Stomp Box, hear my thoughts
Jonathan won another draft. The bastard. Someone needs to kick his ass off his high horse... thing. Kill him! Maybe next draft.
Got some cool shit opened, though. Essner got a Wrath and Jonathan the rare-draftin' whore got some good shite as well. And me? Well, I enjoyed my deck, but my rares did nothing atall for me. Warped Devotion isn't what most would call a good draft rare. Oh well. 'twas fun. Jonathan just need to lose more often.
And now I am drinking fizzy caffiene drink and continuing to playtest my BEST USE OF KARONA EVER CONCIEVED! Deck. Life is so fizzy and caffinated. I should kill myself or something.
Posted by poetfox at May 9, 2004 12:44 PM
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