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May 05, 2004
Random Story Clip: Wren and Mink
"I can't believe she would just run off and do that to me!" Wren paced back and forth at a fast, fevered pace, constantly clenching her fists and obviously looking for something to hit, kill, maim, or otherwise destroy.
Brian continued to stare at the ceiling from his vantage point laying on the couch. He can come to become quite a good judge of ceilings by using this technique, and, honestly, the ceiling to Wren and Mink's apartment was seriously fairly substandard. No interesting swirls, lines, or bumps to lose yourself in. No interesting tiles to count. Just ceiling.
"You know she's crazy about you. She's got a good reason."
"But that's the fourth fucking time this week! Number four! No note, no explaination, she's just not there when I wake up... we haven't had breakfast together since Wednesday, she didn't even leave me any coffee... and I haven't even seen her today!" Both her fists began to raise in uncontrollable anger, then fell to her side and she fell to a clump on the floor. "I'm over-reacting, aren't I..."
"Maybe." Brian took his eyes off the ceiling and started counting the number of objects on a nearby table. 15 if you count the stacks of paper as one object. He began to run an estimate on how many pieces of paper were in each individual stack. "Maybe not."
"I don't see why she would want to go... and... and it's not like there's any reason to be secretive... it's September for chrissake... fuck..."
Probably about 68 or so pages per stack... three stacks... estimated number ends up at about 216. "She's allowed to have her own life, I thought." Brian's eyes wandered over to Wren, laying on the floor and staring into nothingness. She was wearing 5 pieces of jewelry: the four bangles on one wrist that she never takes off and the ring that Mink gave her about a year ago.
"I'm such a stupid bitch..."
The lock began to make noises in the door. All 12 eyes in the room turned to the door, 4 human, 8 feline. "I suppose this is where I make my exit." Brian stood up with an uncharacteristic amount of movement and walked towards the window with the fire escape.
"Thanks for coming..." Wren murmured from the floor.
"You know my cell number." Brian climbed out the window and down towards the ground 3 floors below. He sighed and muttered to himself, "I'm terrible at showing it, but you know I care..."
The door opened.
"j0! Heh. Wren, you home?" Mink chucked her bag on the floor by the door as was her custom and her partner's bane, and walked deeper into the apartment. Wren was still on the floor, unmoving. Mink blinked and stared at her for a second. "Problems?"
"Do I worry too much?"
"Yep. But that's okay, I worry too little. Evens out. Without you, I'd probably never eat. Spend all my money on games. Heh." Mink plopped down on the floor and smiled at her.
"You're lucky... worrying really sucks..." Wren started to pull herself up off the ground, but ended up giving up halfway, and falling in an odd fashion halfway into Mink's lap. Mink kissed her forehead. "Where were you?"
"You don't work on weekends."
"Yeah, well, they're firing people right and left... stupid fucking bastards don't know what fucking innovative magic we be making... Zen Reawakening didn't sell all that well, sure, but don't execs read game reviews? It was fucking genius and a revolution of the adventure genre..." Mink sighed. "Anyway, I've been going in early and leaving late cause I don't want our new project to be cut and we're already falling behind cause my team already lost two people..."
"You never told me any of this..." Wren covertly snuggled a little closer.
"Well, like you said, you're a worrier. And I knew if I told you this kinda stuff you all go out and go crazy about having to find a job and blah blah... And I thought 'Eh, I can handle it.' So... yeah."
"...if you might lose your job, I really should..."
"Bah, don't you dare," Mink cut in. "You write. That's what you do, that's what you're going to do. We do alright on the little bit you pull down and from my salary and you're happy... so... well, that's how it's gonna be."
"...you should have told me... you always do stuff like this and make me worry about all the wrong things..."
"I know, I know..." Wren quickly found herself hugged and held close. "Sorry."
Wren smiled. "Eh, no worries... I just... yeah..."
Mink's stomach growled loudly.
"Eh heh... guess I must be hungry."
"You never eat... when was the last time you ate?"
Mink considered this for a moment. "Dinner last night?"
"You had a cookie for dinner last night."
"Geez..." Wren pushed herself upright and brushed herself off. "Well, I guess someone is taking me out to eat then."
Mink hopped up as well. "Oh? Who?"
Wren tossed Mink's bag at her head. Mink barely caught it at the last minute with a fumbling grab. Wren smiled. "Let's go, huh?"
"Sure, baby bird, sure."
Posted by poetfox at May 5, 2004 12:38 PM
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