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May 02, 2004

I think I should get some of those mints, the ones that are like altoids only with like... a whole soda's worth of caffiene in them?

So you see, on Saturday two magazines appeared in our mailbox, Discover Magazine and Shonen Jump. And obviously, being the intense intellectual I am, I read the Shonen Jump immediately. There's just something about a action comic about the game of Go that makes me giddy inside (although, honestly, I would much rather be recieving Shojo Jump. Heh.). But later, I was caught in a car with nothing but the previously mentioned Discover magazine, and I gave it a read. A little bit of one. And woah, they're like... creating a pregnancy vaccine that you take like you would a tetanus shot. And I'm like, woah, that's cool. Just having to get yearly boosters would be pretty damn cool (although, from how it worked, you'd still have a period, I'd think... *thinkity*). But then I'm like... wait... what if you decided to have a child during that time? You'd potentially have to wait months to have a child... that would kinda suck... but eh, 'twould still be cool.
Science. Yeah.

But god damn, I'm moody today... seriously... AND yesterday... *sighs* What the fuck is up with me...

Posted by poetfox at May 2, 2004 08:49 AM


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