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May 06, 2004
I, Sakura, command thee under our contract! RELEASE!
So it was "Buy 4 get one free" weekend at the bookstore. So I spent too much money on manga. *sighs* One I was really really really really really really really pumped about was this one called "Tsubasa" which has Sakura and Sayoran in there! I have long been dreaming of a story showing the future of Cardcaptor Sakura characters. I wanna see what the hell the strongest magic user in Japan uses her abilities for. I want to see Toya and Yukito more! (Just because they are so damn made for each other... the explainations of the characters in the back of Tsubasa described them as best friends and that is such crap. They're in love, Yukito tells Sakura that to her face and Toya basically says it to Yukito, as well. Ahhh, Yukito-san...) And I want to see what the fuck Tomoyo does! Lesbian Fashion Designer? Tomoyo as a teenager is something I have to see. And an adult. Have to.
Anyway, turns out Tsubasa is a story based on alternate universe versions of basically every major CLAMP character ever created. Which is pretty damn cool, actually. Not what I was hoping for, though. False advertising on the back of the book, I swear! But cool.
---Time Passes---
Okay, so at random, I re-looked up where the hell Tomoyoworks was, cause I seem to recall it's one kickass awesome Tomoyo shrine. And I remembered right. But then clicking on stuff led me to this messed up piece of shrine and then I was very entertained for awhile. Mew.
All this shipping makes me wanna get back to check Pokemopolis, which I really need to link to down on the side and will probably do in a second...
*blinks* I need to put a buncha links up... I'll go do that, you go look at them. Later.
Posted by poetfox at May 6, 2004 08:35 AM
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