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May 18, 2004
Did Mother Nature tell you "Girl, you come and go as you please?" That's what she said to me.
So I just finished reading this novel called A Shortcut in Time. It was goddamnawesomewonderful. It's the kinda novel I wish I could write well. It was about people, real people, and though they had an adventure, it was all about the characters, and their realness and their awesomeness. And I loved it. And if Rebecca refuses to let me get her something for her birthday, she's just going to get a copy of that, to spite the concept that I wouldn't give her something. Spite. Whee.
We did a minidraft last night. Onslaughtish. I ganked a True Believer. Fun. Mostly, though, I took Clerics and had a decent card pool but wussed out and lost cause I played with too many cards. It was so unlike me and I am ashamed. Also, nobody pulled a Slide, which saddened me as the Slide pleases me, even if it's a current tourney deck archetype. I like to feel that I would have, at some point, stumbled onto the concept due to my love of Cycling cards when I saw it. I may be giving myself too much credit, but oh well, I can cause I'm me, so screw you.
Also, I'd like a hug.
Posted by poetfox at May 18, 2004 03:23 PM
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