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May 16, 2004

And magically, out of nowhere, a witty title appeared. And there was much rejoicing.

So there was this game, and it was shown to me by random internet guy, and it was really damn cool looking, so I ordered it. And there was happiness around.

Apparently, Droid also changed the archive pages to be more color coordinated with the main blog page, and this makes me happy, as I didn't even ask him to. It might have been an accident, but eh, I'm happy. Still don't know how to upload though. Also, today is apparently sunday. Could have fooled me.

Mr. Show is funny stuff, too.

And apparently, listening to this poor, sickly little boy song (I hear he has 38 types of cancer, and at such a young age... mew...), I quoted the lyrics wrong in my last title. Oh well, I shall still continue to enjoy the rockin' good tunes of happy.

I have to start working hardcore tommorow, which saddens me. Also, I don't know the status of me going to Cairo to pahtay with Petesteve. Then again, I don't really feel like I know Petesteve very well. It's just kinda of a half-friendship by association. It's not like we in any way don't get along, it's just... I dunno. If I was in a room with just both of them, I think I might be a bit nervous or flustered or something. I get that with alot of half-friendships I have. Half-friendships seems like a harsh way to put it. Oh well.

Oh yeah, and I still hate playing Euchre of Pincohle with my brother... and I bet I spelled Pinnyocoole wrong, but whatever, fuck it.

Posted by poetfox at May 16, 2004 12:59 PM


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