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April 10, 2004
The newly crowned mullet of misery. Oh. Oh. Misery.
So, I packed all of the stuff up and put it in a closet... *sighs* Makes me sad and angry... and lost. Very lost.
On other fronts, something about Easter tommorow and then something else about how if I wasn't such a stupid coward I'd go out and run around in my bunny ears. But oh well.
Then a note about Josh not having called me back yet and then something else about... stuff. And then something about how awesome Being John Malcovitch is. And something about seriously needed to see Eternal Sunshine on a Spotless Mind, and then a random thought that tommorow might be a good day for it, after all the easterish stuff.
Posted by poetfox at April 10, 2004 07:59 AM
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