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April 17, 2004
The genius of Matthew Essner
"So you are a manservant to this guy, a total slave, you know? So your master is after this guy, Mark, and really wanting to lead him on into a trap. So I suppose the question is, will you help master bait mark?"
"So you're waiting around for your friend, Ejack, and he finally shows up and you're like ' Ejack! You late!'"
"So you're in this half of a country, vacationing, and you call up your mom and go 'Hey, guess which country I'm in!' and she's all like 'I dunno... Germany?' And you're like 'Nah, I'll give you a hint: It's half a country.' So she guesses 'Poland?' and you're all like 'Mom! I'm in Semi-nation!'"
Posted by poetfox at April 17, 2004 11:53 AM
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