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April 25, 2004
Henshin a Go Go, Baby.
So yeah, me and Marcus LeGrand together for an hour. Akward.
The thing is, the people on Magic Online don't know how to make fun decks, the kinda decks that do messed up combos that always lose but are really annoying or cool when they occur, like 7 piece Infinite Myr Token loops. I make games in the Casual room for what I label as "Hardcore Casual" games, and half the time I play people who are trying to win on a budget as opposed to just win. Meh. These people have got to lighten up a bit, I swear. I almost wish there was some sort of hardcore casual Clan I could join, though I'm not really a clan person.
I want a good Prismatic deck on there, cause Prismatic is hella awesome and hella casual play. But I don't have any good black, and nothing to really smooth over the color problem, so none for me at the moment. But eh, it might change sometime soon.
Posted by poetfox at April 25, 2004 12:39 PM
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