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March 30, 2004
You're so dreamy, you're so sweet, swept completely off my feet
d00d, this Planetarium game thingy is the weirdest bit of online cool I've found in awhile. if you don't mind your brain exploding... yeah, that's the ticket.
I got randomly re-interested in text-based adventuring like... a day or two ago. You can notice the link to the Baf's guide down there on the side (Which I should have had there anyway, it's a link to infinite brain-destroying fun) to signify this development. I also linked to the previous linkthingy down there so as to... link it better. Linky.
But seriously, I think I might go down to Plainswalkers and see if I can't like... actually play someone down there with my stupid. No, I lied, I don't have the kinda initiative to do that. Thems be people I don't know well! I could die with guns! Or embarrassment! Best to just sit here and read the JTHM. Mew.
And then there was an end to the blogging for today.
Posted by poetfox at March 30, 2004 12:27 PM
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