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March 12, 2004
When the chips are down, and there's no one around, Kick ass.
I have decided that if some crazed mad scientist-type person ever created a gun that turned the people it shot into button me, and I was shot with it, my recipe would be 1 t1 k1 k2 q10/20 . Oh yeah. A one-sided die, a one-sided trip die, a one-sided Konstant die, a two-sided Konstant die, and a queer option die, either 10 or 20 sided.
Then again, if Jonathan was hit with a similar ray that turned people into T-shirts, he'd turn into this.
There's a draft tourney at Plainswalker's this weekend. I gotta convince someone to come with me, cause I wanna go but I can't go by myself because I'd be too nervous because other gamers scare me sometimes. But it's limited, and I love limited, and I need all the limited practice I can get if I'm going to go to Gencon this summer. Cause all I'm going to do is limited magic drafts and the BRAWL and Button Men tourneys. I will lose at all of them. But damn, it'll rokk. (This is, of course, assuming that I'll have money to do this. But eh, it's too awesome for me to not have money! *falls over*)
30-sided die are expensive.
All this gamin' makes me really want to do something with my silly super-hero idea, too. He'd be able to gank luck from people by touching them. So he touches a bad guy, and like for a couple minutes he gains Stormtrooper Aim, or keeps tripping. Meanwhile, the superhero would like, be able to jump off a building and land in a convienently placed truck full of pillows for the same span of time because of the extra luck. He'd probably be a professional gambler in his secret identity, and he'd like, tap people's shoes by accident under the table to take their luck and make a profit. I also like the idea of him getting to talk to Lady Luck, or working for Lady Luck. In any case, it would be an interesting character which I should develop more.
And that's it. Until then, keep rolling your 1-sided Ornery Time and Space Die like a whore.
With love,
Matthew "Alex" Long
Posted by poetfox at March 12, 2004 09:05 AM
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