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March 14, 2004
Well, the amount of LAN was actually fairly low...
So, LAN party aftermath. There seriously wasn't much LAN. Oh well, 'twas fun. Droid might put up some of the stupid movies I made with his camera over on his blogthing, so check it out if you're insanely bored.
Also, yesterday, I went down to the local game shop place and played in a draft tourney they were having there. Victoly was mine!
Okay, so technically I got to the championship and the guy was really tired and had to drive to St. Louis so we just decided that we'd split the prizes for first and second and called it a draw. So I tied for first. But ye gods, I still was undefeated. Who knew stupid little fliers could kick so much ass? ^_^ I got 15 bucks in whatever singles I wanted. I let Jonathan pick out most because I could never pick out that many in one sitting. But I got me another Krark's Thumb for my hardcore lucky luck deck. And I picked up some Zur's Weirding because it's all awesome and stuff... I should make a deck that just makes a chaos or team game tons more interesting and nothing else, with that as one of the main cards in it. Heehee... ^_^
In any case, next time Plainswalkers does a limited tourney, I'm all over it. Oh. Yeah.
With love,
Matthew "Alex" Long
Posted by poetfox at March 14, 2004 10:16 AM
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