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March 29, 2004

People have scary fantasies, and VCL proves it.

Seriously, some of the stuff on there... *sighs*

An earthworm attacked me last night. It was scary. It said "Doom" alot.

I got my Johnny the Homocidal Maniac book in. Mom got it for me, but I hope she never looks inside, as she will think I'm all goth and depressed all the time. Not that I'm not. I just am when I feel like it. And I'm not very good at it.

Natalie gets her french guy in today. I hope they have a good time. From what she was telling me, they might have sucked the trip all up for the french students. I hope someone uses their brain and makes it work right. I also hope Natalie doesn't die due to homework stress whilst this is going on.


Posted by poetfox at March 29, 2004 08:41 AM


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