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March 23, 2004
Moon Sammy, won't you come back strummin'?
Birthday tommorow. I'm 20.
SCARY!!!!!!!! Miyah.
I got a keyboard for my GC, so now I can actually chat with the people I'm playing the Card Revolution with, and this has enhanced my playing immensely, because I have to talk when I play something like that. Plus, there's enough downtime in a card game to have actually cool conversations. Huzzah. But the thing that pisses me off is that some of the punctuation does not work the way it should. The carrot ( the ^ in my ^_^) is not affixed to shift 6 and I can't find it anywhere on the keyboard. Also, ' is connected with shift 7 instead of where it damn well should be on the keyboard. The ' button makes a @ instead. It's really damn annoying.
What should I get with my birthday cash? I need to renew my Waldenbooks card... and I'm going to buy some of those metal deckboxes at Plainswalkers... but other than that? I dunno. I should really just save it. Yeah... I think I will... then I'll have some buffer for when I gots to buy Wario Ware: Mega Partygame$. And maybe Resident Evil: Outbreak. MAYBE. I don't know if I want to throw down the cash for the Network adapter. I want to stay focused on the Card Revolution as I really put some money into it.
I want some of the Button Brains button men. This is a random statement, but true. They're insanely dorky and I love the Konstant die.
With love,
Matthew "Alex" Long
Posted by poetfox at March 23, 2004 09:03 AM
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