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March 08, 2004

I know this will last forever. You Duct-taped my heart back together.

I keep listening to the Fancy Ultra*Fresh sampler track. Holy crap. It's pure synthpoppy goodness. I need the CD... but they haven't reported that they've got it back from the CD maker person yet, so I know my pre-order isn't going to randomly appear in my mailbox today... oh well.

"I am not Spy Hunter, Galaga or Burger Time. Don't look here for Frogger. Dig Dug ain't no friend of mine. Don't ask me, you'll cross the line. Don't play with me. I'm not your toy. Can't you see? I am not your Gameboy!"
With love,
Matthew "Alex" Long

Posted by poetfox at March 8, 2004 09:58 AM


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