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March 28, 2004

I have a certian friend, a she photographer...

Well, it's offical. Butt Baby seriously is the most frightening thing ever to be put on the DVD medium.

My CARD Revolution save file corrupted. I lost all my cards. This caused me to weep. It's a good thing I did not have the Samba Maracas, otherwise I probably would have committed seppuku.

In other news, my deck is hardcore awesome. I made a deck. It be type 2 legal. It looks a bit like this:
19 Plains
4 Secluded Steppes
3 Coretappers
4 Noble Templars
2 Blessed Reversal
4 Force Bubble
3 Healing Salve
3 Holy Day
4 Isochron Scepter
4 Jinxed Choker
4 Raise the Alarm
2 Ritual of Restoration
4 Sunbeam Spellbombs

It contains large amounts of "t3h 4w3$0m3!" Huzzah!

Posted by poetfox at March 28, 2004 10:43 AM


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