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March 02, 2004
Birthday Things...
Here is a tentative list of birthday things for my birthday... things.
Cardcaptor Sakura boxed set vol. 1.
Gloomcookie anthologies 1 and 2.
Stuff from Thinkgeek: w00t Tshirt, Caffeine Tshirt, One of those spiffy bracelets, And Bawls.
Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life for me Gamecube
From the wonderful island of England, Falling out of Cars, Needle in the Groove, And the Needle in the Groove CD.
A Place where I could participate in Friday Night Magic would be nice, as well as help on getting DCI Certified Would also be nice, but isn't really something I could hope for for my birthday.
That's all I got for now... I only write this list because I'm at a loss as to what to tell my mother when she asks me what I want for my brithday.
With love,
Matthew "Alex" Long
Posted by poetfox at March 2, 2004 12:03 PM
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