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February 17, 2004
So it's about time I actually put something here
Droid, in his infinite wisdom, has fixed the hardcore blog. Now it is even more bloggy than ever before. Will it be updated? Will it be... updated? Only time will tell.
All I can say is I am damn ready for a C.A.R.D Revolution! Who's with me?
Fine, fuck you all.
But I suppose I should fill you in on what you missed whilst the blog was down. Canada was invaded by the Canadians, thus creating "New Canada," a haven for good urban development and medical care. I leveled up three times, so I'm now a level 14 Mercenary Poet Princess. I gained the new ability "Schoolgirl Giggling," which pleased me as I had been working on that for quite some time. Matthew Essner also gained 2 levels, brining him to a level 18 Ninj4 Drug Dealer. He's pretty proud of his recent aquisition of a SECOND huge, throbbing deck, although most of us are just confused about where it came from. He also has developed a habit for HARDCORE RENIGGING, thanks to the combined efforts of me and one Matthew Bucchiet, who has gained Picture Framing skill level 3. Droid has continued construction on his Robotic Exoskeleton (He claims to be adding 14 missle launchers and 3 shock webs. I think he's crazy) and set up a large variety of webcams around his house so he doesn't have to do things like leave his room to, say, do anything. Justin Spaeth is still the God of Gravity, and demands more worship and pretzel sticks. And Jonathan Long? Well, he's macking on his ladies hardcore whilst being engulfed on an almost daily basis by dancing cowboys who may or may not be wearing chaps (Our reports are inconclusive).
So, now you're up to date. Let the bloggy blog blogging begin!
With love,
Matthew "Alex" Long
Posted by poetfox at February 17, 2004 04:01 AM
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