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February 21, 2004
Serious? Hell if I know why.
The thing about onlinethings is that...
Well, it's that there's no pressure. No pressure to be anything but who you are, or who you feel like being that particular day. Even with people I know and see on a semi-daily basis, I feel like that when I talk to them online.
Making close friends online is tough though... as one with a few, I know it. But with two, it's not so stressful. We don't have some ironclad contract of friendship. We talk when we do, and we're hella close, and not necessarily in the "like to do the same kinds of things" friendship but just in the kinda "I know I can talk to this person about anything" kinda thing. I dunno.
But when you get that close to someone like that, you wish you could show them to your IRL friends and do things with EVERYONE together, and that just doesn't happen. Online relationships kinda suck like that.
But even with all the problems, I wouldn't trade my online friends any more than my offline ones... It's a completely different kind of friendship, and I kinda like it.
Of course, when I go and ignore my offline friends for my online ones... well, that's just me being a complete ass and I should be kicked. A good online friend should completely respect their friend's offline commitments because they're just... better.
I wonder why the hell I just wrote that.
Posted by poetfox at February 21, 2004 05:02 AM
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