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June 26, 2003
Transcript of Conversation During Smash Bastards Duel
Chelsea: I can only jump twice? Wait, let me throw you!
Jonathan: Well, I'm not gonna sit there...
Chelsea: Well, you should! You bitch... Oh, look at that! Where is he, come here baby... Urrrn!
Jonathan: Cause you just came through in that and you killed yourself.
Spaeth: Up B!
Chelsea: I want to Up B and set you on fire!
Spaeth: Use Up B!
Chelsea: I want to go this way or something, but it won't let me!
Spaeth: You just press the direction!
Chelsea: No, it doesn't work, see? Damn damn damn, doesn't work. Why would I want to throw you down?
Jonathan: Cause it's fun, see?
Chelsea: I just want to die, can I die? I just want to beat you, can I throw you off the edge once?
Jonathan: There.
Chelsea: But I have to kill you, it doesn't work the other way!
Spaeth: Hey Jonathan, you should let you girlfriend win, okay? You always let your girlfriend win, okay? SMACK HIM WITH THE FAN!
Chelsea: Which one's A, the green one? Wait, stop it! Me hit A, not you!
Spaeth: Pick up the fan!
Chelsea: How do I pick it up? Stop it, that's mine!
Spaeth:A, not R! Heh...
Chelsea: Stop it...
Spaeth: Press A rapidly!
Chelsea: I am, it's not working! My thumbs won't go that fast!
Jonathan: Oh-ho, battle of the fans, is it?
Chelsea: I'm winning... I don't have one anymore, wait, no, waaaaaaait... HEY, I KILLED HIM! Hey, my fan, mine, mine, mine...
Spaeth: Smackin' people with fans!
Chelsea: What's he do? Come here, I want to hit you with him. What's that? Oh, how'd I do that?
Jonathan and Spaeth in Unison: Hit over and B.
Chelsea: Wait, let me hit you with it. How do I get rid of a fan?
Spaeth: R.
Chelsea: R?
Jonathan: Not R, Z.
Spaeth: Whatever.
Jonathan: I like how you walked right into that one.
Chelsea: Why am I clapping for you?
Posted by poetfox at June 26, 2003 12:31 PM
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