June 07, 2003
The Pi Returns
At 1:47am, on June 2, I, piman, was banished from the matthew's upstairs blog. This banning was an unwarranted, and unnecessary attack against me and what I stand for.
Finding myself unable to post on the blog upstairs I soon turned to the sauce to fill the void, then to the whoring, then eventually back to the booze, and finally forwent all illegal substances and went straight to paperclips.
It was a dark period in my history and I apologize to all those who I hurt with my boozing and whoring, except for that son of a bitch Justin Spaeth who never did pay me, you rat bastard son of a bitch. I cut you once and I'll do it again, give me my money.
Today My bloggin' previlages were reinstated, an investigation is being launched to find out who caused my outcastedness, and my revenge will be swift, hard, and probably naked.
Posted by poetfox at June 7, 2003 05:46 AM
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