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June 11, 2003

The Pi Leaves Again

On this day, in 1841, one Matthew Essner decided to destroy the world. This fact cannot be overlooked. It is my intention to go and play video games for several hours.
In any case, I purchased him a tricycle so that he could make a clean getaway to Gondwanaland. Unfortunately for him, the wheels were made of orange peels. This caused life as we know it to change for the better.
The resultant war rocked the landscape, and Essner was nowhere to be found for about 38 thousand seconds. During that time, Alexander Ghram Bell invented the laser disc, paving a new road for digital media. I also died in a tragic car accident.
Thus, I've banned Essner from the site for the next 14 minutes. This is my divine retribution for the horrible crimes he has done to me which I am acting out from my current life, which is not after. Thank you.
With love,
Alexis the incredibly stupid

Posted by poetfox at June 11, 2003 02:37 AM


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