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June 04, 2003
I es yan MechWarryer!
I's gots the big mechs and I's gots the little mechs and I's gots the vehicles that shoot and I's gots the vehicles and don't and I's gots the Infantry that flies and I's gots the Infantry that dies and I's the commander of the ARMEH OF l337 |>00|\/|!
I is Une Mechanical Warrior of the 23 Thousandth century, and with my multitude of little clicky pre-painted miniature things I shall DESTROY THE AXIS OF EVIL THAT IS SPAETH AND MATT ESSNER!
Ooooooh, ArgoMech Reaper Arm! Wrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
And that's where I die. *weeps*
With love,
Alexis the MechWarrior of doom!
Posted by poetfox at June 4, 2003 02:59 AM
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