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May 11, 2003

My Magic Deck

My Deck is enormous. It's so huge, everyone is jealous of my deck-size. Sometimes I can't believe how incredibly huge my deck is. Sometimes I'll wake up in the morning, look down at my deck, and just marvel at it's massiveness. One time I had a dream that I didn't have my deck, I looked for it, but it wasn't there. Then I woke up, put my hands around my huge throbbing deck, and everything was right with the world. I often find people staring at my enormous deck-size, I know it's quite a fantastic deck, and I understand their jealousy, but their constant stares are unnerving.
My Deck is both a blessing and A curse.
I have a huge cock as well.

Posted by poetfox at May 11, 2003 05:08 AM


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