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May 11, 2003

Less power to your G doggie.

So there I was. What to do one might ask, but not me, I knew what I had to do. Like blam, i pulled out my huge deck from my pants and thustly proceded to smack all the bitches around me, to show them who's the boss. When all was done, because nothing more than a few wines of pain were muttered, I knew my job was complete and so I stuffed my huge deck back into my pants for jocking the bitches at will when I need to, or when I feel so inclined.
But on the more serious side, Piman, yeah, when I read your impersonation of me, tears came to my eyes, like a big pizza pie, that's l'amoure (L'amouria? ;) ) .
back off bitches.

Posted by poetfox at May 11, 2003 07:05 AM


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